
Overnight shift... here I am.

Yup. I'm training on an overnight shift tonight. I've been here for 2 hours so far... and I have 6.5 remaining. Luckily, I can use the Internet when I am not on checks. But, even the Internet in all its glory gets old after a bit. And one's eyes get tired of staring at the screen after only a short while...

I think I'll start working on reading The Drawing of the Three: The Dark Tower II, Stephen King's second installment of his epic Dark Tower series. The first story was amazing, and I'm hoping to find the second one at least as engaging.

Well, I'm going to go grab a soda to help me keep awake... I hope you are all tucked warmly in your beds as I silently curse your names under my breath. =P

Then again, I'm getting paid for this... and I believe a bonus comes along with working overnights as well. =) So, perhaps I could get used to working overnights here.

Anyway, that's about all for now.

Pleasant evening... I mean, good morning to you all.


David Filkins, Patient Care Provider
Van Andel Center Adult North Unit

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