

"May we live without destruction,
May we look to tomorrow with hope,
May peace and light return to us."

The original version of "Godzilla" before it was "Americanized" with the addition of Raymond Burr was such a great film. Gojira was just released in North America for the first time since the film was completed in 1954. It's a classic, yet it's brutally honest and easily applicable today.

Great film. Come over and we'll watch it. =)



Test Results:

I love how the world looks at her as a "leader." What did she lead?

She led a nation of lovers of peace, love, and compassion.

She led the WORLD.

Go Mother Teresa. =)



Don't *DICK* Michigan...

Don't *DICK* Michigan...

He's wrong on the important issues:

-Social Justice
-Health Care

Need we look at Alticor/Amway/Quixtar? This business is the ultimate pyramid scheme that has a lot of people working very hard to keep a few people at the top exorbently rich. Is that how a business should be run? Is that how our STATE should be run?

I say, "NO!" And I hope you all agree.

So don't *DICK* Michigan this November...



Vlog #9: Who Hijacked Islam??!

This guy is amazing. He is intelligent, funny, and represents what I love about Islam. It truly is one of the great religions of the world.

This is only video number 9, but I suggest you check out his many others. =)

That's all.



Profundity strikes in the form of a quote!

Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?
~ Ernest Gaines

The idea of men expressing intimacy has ALWAYS confused me. I remember so many times growing up where I wanted to give my friends a hug but thought twice after considering the possible social ramifications of my actions. Yet, to punch another guy in the arm or wrestle on the floor and give your pal a fat lip was about as "physical" as was to be expected. Why is it that women can hug, kiss, dance together, and even cuddle up together... while males are expected to keep a good distance from others of the same sex? This discrepancy is one that has boggled my mind for ages. Is it the fault of closed-minded men who press onto their children the "boys don't cry" mentality that stifles their emotional release? Or is it instead a social construct developed unintentionally by the women who seem to prefer a "macho" guy who is about as tough (and shows about the same level of emotion) as nails. Or is it a combination of both? And then some?

So interesting. It's something I have pondered since childhood. Yes, I even pondered things then on occasion.

I'm so weird.

By the way... school has started and I think I'm going to LOVE my classes. As long as my books show up sometime fairly soon. Work is going great. I'm getting lots of hours (I even earned holiday pay for working on Labour Day! Hell, why NOT work on the day dedicated to the concept! =P) And I just took a co-worker's shift for September 11th. Yeah, take that, Osama! You silly bitch! America may suck sometimes, but at least I can try to *HELP* people instead of blowing them up! It won't make up for the devastating scar you created here 5 years ago, but it's a start. I work in remembrance of how many lives you ruined... in an attempt to work out an equilibrium and bring balance to the world. =D One life at a time... Don't think you're off the hook, Dubya. I'm also working that day to attempt to START to make up for your foolish war and all of the lives you have interrupted and brought to ruin with your horrendous leadership and mindless theocracy. To deny gays the right to marry, fight to keep the death penalty running strong, start two wars (and fund the second greatest aggressor in the world - ISRAEL!)... yet call stem-cell research an ATROCITY? As Ron Weasely would say, "You've DEFINITELY got to sort out your priorities!"

Sorry for ranting. I have such tangental thoughts sometimes. Maybe I belong in Pine Rest?! =S I suppose I had better get some sleep in case I get admitted in the middle of the night. I know from experience that 3am to 6am seems to be the prime time of patient admissions.

Well, I'm done. =)

