
He's back...

So I have returned... can you believe it? It's been over two years since I have last updated this. So, the prodigal son is back. I'll still be using LJ for comments and checking in on my friends, but I love the look here. For some reason, I simply like the feel of it better.

Hang on, Joel's nagging me to proof-read his paper... back in a bit.

[ Time elapsed: 8 minutes ]

That wasn't too bad... but I'll be willing to bet he calls me back in there when it's time to post his paper on WebCT. So, I will enjoy the free time I have until then.

Liz will be returning on Sunday afternoon. Well, in theory, anyway. 4:04 pm, supposedly. Her father and I will be there to pick her up. Maybe we'll go...

Sorry, got called back into Sam's room. Let me regain my train of thought.

Ah, yes, maybe the three of us can go out to dinner or something. That would be nice. La Cantina sounds ESPECIALLY wonderful. =)

Well, it's about time for me to get cracking on my studying. And I should get to sleep soon. I have had trouble sleeping lately and I'm not certain why.

Goodnight everyone. And Liz... I'll see you soon, sweetie...


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