
Do you Facebook much? Have you voted? If so, come join my group: "Hooray for democracy! I just voted!"

Today is the day! If you know anybody who has not already cast their ballots, remind them that the future depends on the decisions we make today. We need to show our leaders that our generation is a generation that does care about the future.

I also want to take the time to thank each of you for helping fuel our democracy. We must remember that each individual vote holds the same weight, whether cast by the President of the United States or by the single mother working two jobs to try to make a living. Our voice can be heard, but only if we speak up and make a decision on this pivotal day.

Let us turn this election around from the current trend and give our age-bracket the highest voting turnout in the history of the United States of America.

Get the word out. Your vote DOES count.

Happy democracy. =)

-David Filkins

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