
Proposal 2 passed... but it's NOT over yet.

Affirmative Action has been in place for over 300 years, since the very birth of this nation... however, until a mere 30 years ago, it favored the whites in America. Therefore, the obvious differencial treatment based on race was not up for contention... or maybe it was, but the voices were not heard because of the corruption in the system. The playing field has not leveled out yet.

I'm still astounded that this passed... Dick DeVos' daughter even said that *HE* voted against it. Perhaps he noticed the economic trend that followed California's passage of similar legislation several years ago.

Affirmative Action has its flaws and there are some who abuse it, as is the case with EVERY law ever created, but that does NOT mean that we need to revoke it. That's simply bad logic.

That's my two cents... Peace. =)


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