The folks from SBC AT&T Yahoo! have finally pulled through on their promises... I am connected to the wide electronic world of the Internet. I also have a new phone number! And it doesn't cost anything for long distance! So, call me on my OTHER number (after 9pm or on the weekend, if you could) and I'll get you our new number. I say OUR new number because, yes, I will be living with my sister.
Oh, you'd like to see some pictures of the place? Why, of course! Come right this way!

As you enter our spacious accommodations, you enter the dining room. The light is coming from a hanging light just above our table. Amanda and Liz painted the chairs green all by themselves. How cool is that? =) Oh, and that's our phone in the corner.

As you turn to your right, you will notice our family room. Since this photograph was taken, I have moved my stereo system (with surround sound) into the room. It's no Dolby 5.1 or anything, but man it can sure do the job!

Here is our lovely reclining reading chair and my trusty futon. If you ever need to stay the night, the futon folds out into a pretty comfortable bed. I have slept there on several nights already while falling asleep to a movie.

Oh, you want to check our our patio, I see? Yes, since we are on the second floor, we have a nice patio that overlooks the woods directly behind the apartment complex. The apartment complex is just off of Beltline Avenue, one of the busiest streets in Grand Rapids, yet the peaceful and serene view from our windows can easily trick one into believing they are far from civilization.

Oh, you like our patio furniture? Oh, and the umbrella stand! Yes, isn't it great! Not only is it a lovely addition to our outdoor furniture, but it is also a relic of the past... a reminder of a great friend who reminded us to be loyal and true to the very end, just as an elephant would be.

Back inside? Yeah, the humidity can get to me sometimes, too. Yes, that's our kitchen directly in front of us. Would you like to check it out? Great!

Do you like all of our magnets? I think they're great! I especially like the one that Liz made for me. It is a picture of her and I from my aunt and uncle's wedding about a year ago. Isn't it swell? =)

Of course, I see where your intentions lie... =) Grab yourself a water or an Oberon, if you please, and let's continue our tour.

Oh, no... the Ben & Jerry's is mine. Good try, though! =D

Not much food... sorry. I've got a bit more than that now, but without a job yet, it's hard to afford much food. The Mini Wheats are quite delicious though, especially with the soy milk... oh, you're not hungry? It's probably just as well. Perhaps your drink will help tide you over...

Yeah, maybe we should wash our hands after touching the outdoor furniture. Who knows what awful germs and bacteria lie outside our clean new apartment?! =S

Oh, I'll worry about cleaning up the apartment later. It's time to continue our tour! Come now, before it gets too late!

Let's head down the hallway here... oh, you like the guitar and no parking sign? Me, too. =) They give the place a classy feel. Oh, and that sign was hand crafted by women from Iraq.

Just down the hall and to the left is the bathroom. It's just across from Amanda's room. No, we cannot go in. She's not here yet, and I don't want to get on her bad side BEFORE we're living together! After all, who likes a snoop?!

Welcome to my room! What do you think? Pretty clean, huh? My dad told me it needs to stay that way, or I'll have another thing coming. I wonder what he would give me for being messy? Something tells me I'd rather not find out...

I know that my desk may look a bit cluttered in this picture, but it is not that way anymore. Since I moved my stereo system out to the family room, I have LOADS more room and things are not quite as cramped as they appear to be in this photograph. I also have a walk-in closet and a bathroom, but I am not fully unpacked yet.
So, if you would like to come visit in person sometime, I would be more than happy to give you an adequate tour. Until then, I bid you a fond farewell.
Buenas tardes, mis amigos.
What a great apartment! :)
I love you...
Hey, looks pretty cool in there!!! I can't wait to join you! :D And you weren't snooping- it's quite alright. :P
Hey, looks pretty cool in there!!! I can't wait to join you! :D And you weren't snooping - no worries. :P
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