
"Jesus Christ, Light of the World, You never did forget me. And when I bled in darkness, You held me, still held me. When desparate nights I cursed You, You loved me, still loved me. Jesus Christ, You dry the tears. You break my heart of stone. Your words are life cut marrow through the darkness to the bone. A heart of flesh You gave me. Only You can save me. Savior... Daylight... I am coming home..."

This song "Daylight" by Brave Saint Saturn has hit deep within my being on several occasions, but recently it holds a significance that definitely "cuts marrow through the darkness to the bone" very well. This is my first post, which is supposed to be a nice warm welcome. However, instead, I want to ask you to think about everything you do. Who are you? Why are you doing what you're doing? Is it merely for yourself, or is there some greater purpose?

I know that's a lot to swallow, and probably nothing you have not thought of before. However, this is the first year that it ever truly sunk in with me before. What am I doing with my life? How can I call myself part of a religion that promotes unconditional love while attending a school that uses religion to promote animosity and force personal views down the throats of students? And is this not the time when the students should be expanding?

I have done a lot of personal growth this year... and I believe I am becoming a better person because of it. I just urge everyone to:
1) admit that we may all be wrong about everything
2) admit that somebody else may be right about something.
3) do not forget to love

There. I'm done. Enough rambling from the Dave. Love ya'll.

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