

I really love this new computer. =)

...and I really love my fiance.

G'Night, friends. =) I love you all as well.


D Ave.

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Red, White, and loads of Green?!


I have no words for this... yet, I'm certain you all know where I stand on this one.

I take it back. I have two words:

Fuck capitalism.

That's all.



UNICEF is effin' sweet.


The greatest game EVER.

That's all.


P.S. I'm getting sleepy... and I still have 6.5 hours left at work. =(



So, yes, I agreed to work a double tomorrow... so, basically, I will be able to get no more than five hours of sleep for each of the next two nights. However, at least this way I will know that on Monday, they will NOT be able to force me to work a double and I can rest for the rest of the day Monday and all day Tuesday. I should have forced it into a mandate, but at this point in time, I don't even care. The fact that we put most of our effort into babysitting a patient who should NOT even be here just pisses me off. I swear... the people who admit our patients need to spend a few minutes on the unit getting slapped, head-butted, kicked, scratched, and cussed out by these patients they are admitting. Yes, I understand that these people need help... SO ADMIT THEM TO A PLACE WHERE THEY CAN GET THE HELP THAT THEY NEED!!!!!!! Pine Rest is simply not meant to handle patients like this!

All I can do is all I can do.

But, doing "all I can do" every day and seeing no progress is beginning to wear my patience very thin.

At least I'll be getting some overtime...

...but, it is never worth the little pay we get.

Ugh. That's the only word that can describe my mood at this moment.




I just had to share this...

As guilty as I feel for 1) Staying up far later than I should and 2) Feeding the inner teenager within me, I felt that I simply could not pass up such a quiz. Fortunately, I found that I have more in common with my favorite fictional character than I had ever previously imagined... =)

I leave you now.


You're Hannibal Lecter, M.D. Cultured, genius, and not without a sense of humor, you are something entirely Other. With your penchant for cannibalism and your killer wit, no one will be able to stop you.