Thanks, Cisco... wanna pour on any SALT while you're at it?
Cisco Career Certifications Annual Program Statement
Dear David Filkins,
As a new service this year, the Cisco® Career Certifications program is providing an annual summary of your certification milestones and accomplishments. Please review the information below. We hope you find this information useful as you continue your networking career.
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To review the latest certification and training news and information, visit our What’s New Web page. For specific program information, go to: www.cisco.com/go/certifications or search our Instant Answers on the Certification Online Support tool at: www.cisco.com/go/certsupport.
Thank you again for your continued support.
Cisco Career Certifications
* Associate-Level and Professional-Level 642 exams are valid for three years. Cisco Specialist Certification exams are valid for two years.
Thanks, Cisco. Always good for an ego suicide. =)
Too bad that I'm GLAD I didn't pass that test... so many new doors have opened up because of that.
So, right back at you, Cisco. =)
Thanks for the reminder of how lucky I am.
I'm moving on...
I was hoping there would be an easy way for me to do this. Yet, as I struggle for words, I cannot find another way to make this any easier. So, here I go.
I have found affordable housing in the Grand Rapids area, which is where I was hoping to live in the near future. And with only a semester left of undergraduate classes before I begin my graduate studies in Grand Rapids, I decided that I should apply for housing. Just recently, I was able to attain residency at an apartment near where I hope to attend graduate school. As well as the new housing being better and in a nicer area than where I am living here, I would also be able to live with my younger sister to help share the costs. She will be attending classes at Calvin College just across the street, so it is really a perfect location and situation for both of us. With all things that seem perfect, however, there always comes a price.
The problem is not the distance... I would drive great distances to be with these children. The problem, however, is the sum of the associated costs with driving that distance. Driving such a distance would not only cost a lot of money, but also take a huge chunk of time out of my days on top of the emotional stress of being in traffic for so long each day. I have a difficult enough time managing my schedule with my job being located a few miles from my residence. But to add a commute of about an hour on top of that would simply be more than I could handle.
Working at Family & Children Services has been the greatest experience of my life. I feel I have grown so much since I began here nearly 10 months ago. I have learned skills I will never forget. But, most importantly, I will never forget the people that have made being an employee at F&CS such a memorable experience... both my co-workers and those amazing kids.
Well, here it is.
I regret to inform you that this is my two weeks notice.
David Filkins
On a lighter note...
Buenos noche, mis amigos. =)
Google Video is friggin sweet!
So, since Amanda has wanted this online for quite some time now... I finally am able to unveil to the eagerly awaiting public (and everyone else) the most anticipated short film of this season:
Along for the ride is a recently filmed documentary clip. There is no sound to this one, but sound is not necessary when the content is so rich and dramatic. Besides, sometimes our paradigms need to be adjusted... perhaps the platform upon which we view the world must be pulled out from beneath our feet from time to time for humanity to fully appreciate our gifts. In that mindset, let us venture into the second film. I give to you:
That's all. Check back often for updates.
Now, time to study.
izone 300
There it is... my newest acquisition. And, quite possibly, one of my best investments to-date.
Here are some examples of pictures I have taken with it already:

You can be sure to anticipate more to come in the near future! Especially because in less than two days, yours truly will be in... WASHINGTON, DC! =D
Who would have thought that the U.S.A. could be worse at soccer than global politics?
Basically, this image sums up the U.S.A. right now. Why did we lose another soccer game? Why did we pick that man as president... again!? Why are we not reaping the benefits we were promised on election day? Why are we still clinging to NCLB? Why aren't we working toward not only reducing emissions but also working to improve our environment? Why is minimum wage STILL just over five dollars? Why are teachers, social workers, and therapists still getting paid less than our athletes, musicians, engineers, actresses/actors/politicians/lawyers while being held to MUCH more strict and rigorous standards?
Because this country, like the small town I am from, has a warped view of the future. Most Americans see a future that will be like their past... simplistic, free from deep thinking and consciencious living, as well as isolated from the problems of the world (aka. homeland security). These are what most of us tend to view as "Freedom."
Politics are just like our diets and bad habits... we like to just turn away and ignore the bad things that are happening because of what we take in. Yet, we don't want to change our lifestyles to accommodate the problems and fix them. Instead, we continue on the paths we are on waiting for things to get bad enough to do something about. However, then we blame everybody else we possibly can instead of taking responsibility... McDonald's, the tobacco companies, the president, etc. However, the problems begin with us. If we don't address the problems ourselves and take action from where we are... there is no hope.
Peace is a process that comes from within. Winning the world cup doesn't rest on a few players sent overseas to represent a nation. No, the collective body of the United States needs to go with them in hope and spirit. Until that day comes, we will NEVER win a world cup. Do you think the players knew that only 5-10% of sport followers in the U.S. were watching them? Of course they did. Until they have our backing, they will never improve. The same goes with our leaders. While it is important to let them know when they can improve (Why demand to hold teachers to a standard that politicians will not hold themselves to?), we must also let them know that we are behind them. Yes, our country blows. Blows BIGTIME. However, do we just give up on it and give our homeland to the roaches and mice?
It's up to us, folks. You... me... Us. The abbreviation U.S. is not a mere coincidence.
The beauty, strength, and future of the U.S. resides within US.
P.S. Thanks for listening to me babble... =) If you made it this far, I will personally shake your hand for sticking with me through my tangled web of neurons firing off in random directions... perhaps we could discuss these concepts. I did add a comment feature for a reason, you know. =)
Paella... Grand Rapids... what's not to love?! =)
Yes, my friends, this is a paella... a spanish dish named after the EXTREMELY large pan it is cooked in. My Spanish professor invited the class over to his house to try some, and it was AMAZING. He also had some sesame bread from Panera which I picked up for him on my way over and it went SO well with the food. I spent most of my time there playing with his little girl Marisol and another classmate's son named Benjamin. I had such a great time. Usually I'm so anti-social, but when you bring out the little kids, I get excited. =P
Good day all in all. Last night I met my parents and Liz in GR and we hung out together. We went for dinner at La Cantina, which was just AMAZING. Then, we walked through East Grand Rapids and the Gaslight Village and over by Reeds Lake. It was amazing. =) We even saw some familiar faces at Jersey Junction when we got our dessert. It was a wonderful time.
That's all for now. Take care! =D
I love Grist... =)
Bush creates world's largest marine protected area
Well, slap our ass and call us Sally: George W. Bush, the prez formerly known as the earth's worst enemy, created the largest protected marine area in the world last week when he designated the 1,200-mile-long Northwestern Hawaiian Islands chain and surrounding waters as a national monument. The region is home to some 7,000 marine species, at least a quarter of which are unique to the area. At nearly the size of California, the monument will be larger than all of the country's national parks combined. Fishing in the largely uninhabited islands will be phased out over the next five years, though some groups plan to fight a complete fishing ban. Enviros joined marine scientists in gushing over the move. Bush was allegedly inspired by a PBS documentary about the ocean region. Imagine what could happen if he saw An Inconvenient Truth!
That's all.
P.S. If you like Tool, check this out: 10,000 Days Secret Megamix
Tolkien's vast wisdom...
'But this is terrible!' cried Frodo. 'Far worse than the worst that I imagined from your hints and warnings. O Gandalf, best of friends, what am I to do? For now I am really afraid. What am I to do? What a pity that Bilbo did not stab that vile creature, when he had a chance!'
'Pity? It was Pity that stayed his hand. Pity, and Mercy: not to strike without need. And he has been well rewarded, Frodo. Be sure that he took so little hurt from the evil, and escaped in the end, because he began his ownership of the Ring so. With Pity.'
'I am sorry,' said Frodo. 'But I am frightened; and I do not feel any pity for Gollum.'
'You have not seen him,' Gandalf broke in.
'No, and I don't want to,' said Frodo. 'I can't understand you. Do you mean to say that you, and the Elves, have let him live on after all those horrible deeds? Now at any rate he is as bad as an Orc, and just an enemy. He deserves death.'
'Deserves it! I daresay he does. Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. For even the very wise cannot see all ends. I have not much hope that Gollum can be cured before he dies, but there is a chance of it. And he is bound up with the fate of the Ring. My heart tells me that he has some part to play yet, for good or ill, before the end; and when that comes, the pity of Bilbo may rule the fate of many - yours not least. In any case we did not kill him: he is very old and very wretched. The Wood-elves have him in prison, but they treat him with such kindness as they can find in their wise hearts.'
Sunday Bushy Sunday
As seen on Break.com
For a direct link to the WMV file, click here.
That's all, my friends.
"This song is not a rebel song... This is "Sunday Bloody Sunday."
Communities or "Oh, you're that guy who works with the kids!"
Too bad I'm going to be leaving. =(
However, I am really looking forward to becomming part of the Grand Rapids community. Liz already got me hooked on Global Infusion, located on Diamond Avenue. Luckily for me, GI has an exclusively organic and Fair Trade Tea and Coffee Bar!
As nervous as I am to transition yet again, I realize how blessed I am to have friends in so many places. Some of my networks include: Sandusky, Spring Arbor, Kalamazoo, Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids, Howell, Rochester, Beresford (South Dakota), Columbia (South Carolina), Virginia, Germany (where Liz has the priviledge of going in a short while), and now Washington, D.C. (I can't wait to go, btw! =D). I feel like I have networks of friends and family all over! It's so funny, because that's not my goal. I prefer having a tight, intimate friendship with a few people rather than a superflous. tacky, cliché of a relationship with a lot of people that I really feel I do not know the hearts of. Call me strange or tacky, but I would rather discuss theories on life with somebody than go to the bar with them.
...maybe that's why coffee has always won my vote over alcohol. Plus, there's the whole "inhibiting" one's judgment. I think the Buddhists have it right with this one - I'm gonna stay clear of alcohol. It's caused enough stress in my life as it is, and I've never even been in trouble because of it.
I don't know how I got from the girl who works at Beaner's telling me that she remembered my job to a theological discussion on the consumption of alcohol, but I think this is where I say goodbye.
Domo arigato. =) Oyasuminasai!
Just tired...
So, I worked 6.5 hours on four hours of sleep. I even tried taking a nap when I got home to no avail.
Well, I'm going to read for a while then make some dinner.
P.S. I cannot wait to leave Family & Children Services. Have I mentioned that before?
Another David Filkins?
You just HAVE to check this out...
Goodnight. =)
P.S. And I just found out that I work at 7 am, not 3 pm like I thought... 7 am is in 5 hours. I hate my life. =(
How amazing is this? =)
By Geoff Adams-Spink Age & disability correspondent, BBC News website |
A designer who has spent most of his career working on parts for Formula One cars has come up with a new, off-road wheelchair.
The Trekinetic K2 dispenses with the old tubular chassis and uses a carbon fibre monocoque instead.
Designer Mike Spindle was inspired to create the off-road chair when he saw someone wheeling through an airport lounge.
The K2 was launched at the Mobility Roadshow in Gloucestershire.
Design ideas
Mr Spindle has spent the past five years designing the wheelchair from scratch.
After the designer spotted a man in an airport departure lounge, in a metallic purple wheelchair, it occurred to him that somebody ought to be able to do an awful lot better.
"Much to my wife's disappointment, I started sketching this out on the back of an airline boarding pass," he told the BBC News website.
Five years later - a development phase that Mr Spindle describes as "extremely difficult" - Trekinetic chose the Mobility Roadshow to unveil a radical new design.
The K2 has three wheels - two large ones at the front that can take mountain bike tyres - and a smaller one at the back.
The company says it is ideally suited for off-road use but can be just as useful in towns and cities too.
The wheels have an easily adjustable camber so that the chair can have a slimmer profile for going through doorways and a wider - and more stable - 24 degree camber for outdoor activities.
The wheel tilt can be easily altered by rotating a cross shaft underneath the seat: at its slimmest, the K2 is 710mm wide and when fully adjusted it broadens out to 870mm.
Trekinetic had originally set out to design a new, modern and different design: the chair's off-road potential came after prototypes were shown to a group of wheelchair users who said they were unable to tackle more difficult surfaces in their current chairs.
The company thinks the K2 will appeal to relatively active people with good upper body strength, although push bars are available as an option.
Marketing information for the K2 stresses designer chic and desirability with black being the predominant colour.
The K2 owes a good deal to automotive innovation in its own design.
Sculptured seat
Mr Spindle compares the tubular chassis used by most wheelchairs to the one found on vintage cars.
"In fields of engineering such as F1, they have dispensed with the chassis idea and gone to what they call a monocoque," he explained.
"With a car you now have a very strong basic shell and you bolt all the components to that. With this, we've made the seat a sculptured shape to suit the user's body and we've made it out of carbon fibre which is extremely strong."
The K2 is consequently extremely light - with the quick-release wheels removed it weighs about 9kg.
Weather-proofing is by means of a golfing umbrella which attaches to the base of the seat.
And Trekinetic says that the K2 can be folded up in about eight seconds.
Mr Spindle says the three-wheeler design lends itself much better to off-road use: with four wheels on an uneven surface, one wheel ends up losing contact.
"Then, you're pretty much beached until someone comes along."
Trekinetic plans to produce about 10 chairs a week from its plant at Uxbridge, Middlesex.
In spite of the fact that its website was launched a month ago without any publicity, the company says it has already had 1,600 hits and has received enquiries from as far away as South Africa and the USA.
The Mobility Roadshow is at Kemble Airfield in Gloucestershire from 8-10 June.
From the Dictionary of Life...
- A mental state that arises spontaneously rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes; a feeling: the emotions of joy, sorrow, reverence, hate, and love.
- A state of mental agitation or disturbance: spoke unsteadily in a voice that betrayed his emotion. See Synonyms at feeling.
- The part of the consciousness that involves feeling; sensibility: "The very essence of literature is the war between emotion and intellect" (Isaac Bashevis Singer).
- The bane of David Filkins' meaningless existence.
P.S. Thanks for being so great to me, love... =)
"Why is it better to have George Bush the king of Iraq rather than Saddam Hussein?"
USA Today
Irish Examiner
Michael Berg is the father U.S. contractor Nicholas Berg who is believed to have been beheaded by al-Zarqawi. Even after al-Zarqawi's murder, Berg finds no solace in such slaughter, knowing that this will not lead to a solution.
This man has tremendous strength... what a hero.
If only we could get George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld out of office and honestly vote in people with true wisdom. But, as long as we live in a "television democracy" when people are swayed by keywords and phrases like "God bless America" and "pro-life," we will be forced to be ruled by true idiots being manipulated by intelligent evil men longing for power.
God bless America?
God SAVE the U.S.A.!
Yes, I have a shitty job.
I can't wait to graduate. Go to school, kids, so that your employers finally stop fucking you over.
No, wait... it'll always happen.
The end.
Umm... right.

And this doesn't even include Wednesday where I mentor for about 3 hours. All in all, I'd be working about 40 hours... 32 hours of it consecutive over the course of two days.
P.S. I know why this happened... look at the date.

Northwest Airlines Travel Information
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Your Reservation Summary
Detroit Wayne County Metropolitan Airport to Washington National/Ronald Reagan Airport
Thursday, June 29
Washington National/Ronald Reagan Airport to Detroit Wayne County Metropolitan Airport
Monday, July 3
=) I can't wait...
P.S. Happy 6/6/6! =)
Books and movies! =D Hooray!
(1) Rocky Horror Picture show
(2) Grease
(3) Pirates of the Caribbean
(4) Boondock Saints
( ) The Mexican
( ) Fight Club
() Starsky and Hutch
(5) Neverending Story
() Blazing Saddles
(6) Airplane
(7) The Princess Bride
(8) Young Frankenstien
(9) AnchorMan: The Legend of Ron Burgandy
(10) Napoleon Dynamite
(11) Saw
(12) White Noise
() White Oleander
() Anger Management
(13) 50 First Dates
() Jason X
(14) Scream
(15) Scream 2
(16) Scream 3
(17) Scary Movie
(18) Scary Movie 2
() Scary Movie 3
(19) American Pie
(20) American Pie 2
(21) American Wedding
(22) Harry Potter
(23) Harry Potter 2
(24) Harry Potter 3
(25) Resident Evil I
() Resident Evil 2
(26) The Wedding Singer
() Little Black Book
() The Village
(27) Donnie Darko
(28) Lilo & Stitch
(29) Finding Nemo
(30) Finding Neverland
(31) 13 Ghosts
(32) Signs
(33) The Grinch
(34) Texas Chainsaw Massacre
(35) White Chicks
(36) Butterfly Effect
() Thirteen going on 30
() I, Robot
(37) Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
() Universal Soldier
(38) A Series Of Unfortunate Events
() Along Came A Spider
(39) Deep impact
(40) KingPin
(41) Never Been Kissed
(42) Meet The Parents
(43) Meet the Fockers
() Eight Crazy Nights
() A Cinderella Story
(44) The Terminal
() The Lizzie McGuire Movie
() Passport to Paris
(45) Dumb & Dumber
()Dumb & Dumberer
(46) Final Destination
(47) Final Destination 2
(48) Halloween
(49) The Ring
(50) The Ring 2
(51) Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle
(52) Practical Magic
(53) Chicago
(54) Ghost Ship
(55) From Hell
(56) Hellboy
() Secret Window
() I Am Sam
(57) The Whole Nine Yards
() The whole TEN yards
() The Day After Tomorrow
(58) Child's Play
() Bride of Chucky
(59) Ten Things I Hate About You
() Just Married
(60) Gothika
(61) Nightmare on Elm Street
() Sixteen Candles
() Coach Carter
() Bad Boys
() Bad Boys 2
(62) Joy Ride
(63) Seven
(64) Oceans Eleven
() Oceans Twelve
() Identity
() Lone Star
() Bedazzled
(65) Predator I
(66) Predator II
(67) Independence Day
() Cujo
() A Bronx Tale
(68) Darkness Falls
() Christine
(69) ET
(70) Children of the Corn
() My boss' daughter
() Maid in Manhattan
() Frailty
() Best Bet
() How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
()She's All That
() Calendar Girls
() Sideways
(71) Mars Attacks
(72) Event Horizon
() Ever After
(73) Forrest Gump
(74) Big Trouble in Little China
(75) X-men
(76) X-2: X-Men United
() Jeepers Creepers
() Jeepers Creepers 2
(77) Catch Me If You Can
(78) The Others
(79) the original Freaky Friday
(80) Reign of Fire
(81) Cruel Intentions
() The Hot Chick
() Swimfan
() Miracle
(82) Old School
(83) Ray
(84) The Notebook
(85) K-Pax
(86) Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
(87)Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
(88) Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
(89) A Walk to Remember
(90) Boogeyman
() Hitch
(91)The Fifth Element
(92) Star Wars episode I The Phantom Menace
(93) Star Wars episode II Attack of The Clones
(94) Star Wars episode III Revenge of The Sith
(95) Star Wars episode IV A New Hope
(96) Star Wars episode V The Empire Strikes Back
(97) Star Wars episode VI Return of The Jedi...
() Troop Beverly Hills
() Swimming with Sharks
(98) Air Force One
(99) For Richer or Poorer
(100) Trainspotting
() People Under the Stairs
() Blue Velvet
(101) Sound of music
(102) Parent Trap 1
()Parent Trap 2
() The Burbs
(103) The Terminator
(104) Empire Records
() SLC Punk
() Meet Joe Black
(105) American History X
(106) Clerks
() Be Cool
() Get Shorty
(1)Animal Farm
()The Sun Also Rises
()Farewell to Arms
(2)Grapes of Wrath
()Gone With the Wind
()The Time Traveler's Wife
(3)The Da Vinci Code
(4)Angels and Demons
()Pride and Prejudice
()Northanger Abbey
()Sense and Sensibility
()Vanity Fair
()Pilgrim's Progress
(5)The Crucible
()The Time Machine
(6)War of the Worlds
()War and Peace
()Anna Karenina
()Swan's Way
(7)The Five People You Meet in Heaven
(8)Tuesdays With Morrie
()100 Years of Solitude
()Love In The Time of Cholera
(9)Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone
(10)Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
(11)Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
(12)Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
(13)Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
(14)Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
()America, the Book
(15)The Hobbit
(16)The Fellowship of the Ring
(17)The Two Towers
(18)The Return of the King
(19)The Great Gatsby
()The Sound and the Fury
()The Color Purple
()The Joy Luck Club
()The Bluest Eye
()I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings
()Me Talk Pretty One Day
()She's Come Undone
()Breath, Eyes, Memory
()The Lovely Bones
(20)Of Mice and Men
(21)A Tale of Two Cities
()Oliver Twist
()The Count of Monte Cristo
()The Phantom of the Opera
()My Antonia
()The Grass is Singing
()The Awakening
()Uncle Tom's Cabin
()Little Women
()As I Lay Dying
()Absalom, Absalom!
(22)Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
()The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
()The Iliad
(23)Romeo and Juliet
(24)Julius Caesar
()The Discworld Series
()The High King Series by Lloyd Alexander
()Farenheit 451
()The Slaughterhouse Five
()Fight Club
()Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
()High Fidelity
()Jane Eyre
()The Poisonwood Bible
(26)To Kill a Mockingbird
()Bridget Jones' Diary
()The Odyssey
()Great Expectations
()Treasure Island
()Moby Dick
()Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
()The Wizard of Oz
()The Faerie Queene
()Les Miserables
()On The Road
()Silas Marner
()A Room of One's Own
()To the Lighthouse
()A Room With a View
()The Secret Garden
()A Little Princess
(27)Wuthering Heights
()A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man
()Brave New World
()Sons and Lovers
()Lady Chatterly's Lover
()The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
()Invisible Man
()The Last of the Mohicans
(28)Lord of the Flies
()The Sun Also Rises
()As You Like It
()The Maltese Falcon
()The Age of Innocence
()Death Comes for the Archbishop
()The Catcher in the Rye
()Heart of Darkness
()A Clockwork Orange
(29)The Raven
(30) The Scarlet Letter
()One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
()The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
()The Handmaid's Tale
()Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
()The Call of the Wild
()Watership Down
()The Satanic Verses
()Canterbury Tales
()Don Quixote
()Crime and Punishment
()Love in the Time of Cholera
()The Old Man and the Sea
(31)The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
(32)The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
()Leaves of Grass
()Mrs. Dalloway
()A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
(33)The Giving Tree
(34)Green Eggs and Ham
(35)Charlotte's Web
(37)The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe
(38)Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
()Danny the Champion of the World
(40)A Wrinkle in Time
(41)Little House on the Prairie
()The Giver
()Ramona Quimby, Age 8
()Anne of Green Gables
()Walk Two Moons
()Where the Red Fern Grows
()Paradise Lost
()The Feminist Manifesto
Conclusion: I have a lot of great books I need to read. After I'm finished with The Templars' Secret Island: The Knights, The Priest, and The Treasure and The Gospel of Judas, I plan on diving into Fahrenheit 451, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (as well as all of Hunter S. Thompson's other works... that guy amazes me to no end), and eventually A Clockwork Orange since the film was so frighteningly intriguing... =S
The only films I want to see on that list that I haven't already seen are "I Am Sam," "The Village," and "Secret Window."
Good fun. =) Good night!
P.S. Thanks for the visit, love! =D I had a WONDERFUL time!
8 years down... a lifetime to go.

Nor would I ever want to.
Thanks for 8 wonderful years, love. I look forward to many more to come. And thanks to Katie and Travis. Without you two, none of this would have been possible. =) Liz and I are both forever indebted to you. And to all of my family, Liz's family, and all of our friends who have been so caring and supportive along the way. The thing about relationships is that they are between more than just the two people involved. If there is any doubt in that, go check out a wedding somewhere. =) I appreciate having such great people behind both of us.
I fear this is beginning to sound like some peculiar sort of award acceptance speech... that must mean my lack of sleep is starting to catch up to me. Time for me to sleep. Or at least make a valiant effort in an attempt to fill the void of sleep deficit created by working the Friday night overnight shift and only being able to sleep for 4 hours after coming back home.
So, in conclusion: Thank you. =)
A quiz... and a fun one at that!
a Liberal Christian You scored 24 out of 45 on proximity to orthodoxy! |
You are theologically orthodox but more socially liberal, at least in the ways that you imagine Jesus would have been. You believe in spreading the gospel but not in bashing other people to do it. Your beliefs are serious to you, but you probably have a pretty good sense of humor about them too. The Episcopal Church welcomes you! Jesus loves you! (But, you know, not in that way) |
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
The What Kind of Christian are You Test